Online Learning 101


Many teachers, students, and parents are quickly transitioning to virtual classrooms. Although it may be challenging at first, we’re here to help share how to best embrace home learning - whether you’re taking on the role of teacher, continuing your own studies, or exploring a new talent or hobby.

Set up a productive workspace

There is no perfect example of what a learning area should look like. However, if you are setting up a homeschooling environment for your child(ren), it is important to foster productivity. While you might want to remove distractions, it’s okay to allow the presence of subtle things that they may enjoy such as items from their room/around the house that they find comforting, light music or sounds, or even some of their favorite snacks between lessons. It may help to also allow for natural light when available.

The same goes for your own workspace. Make sure you have a comfortable chair, remove clutter from your table or desk and surround yourself with inspirational or soothing items like plants, photos, or wall art.

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Manage your time

Not only is time management an important life skill, but it is also extremely useful when participating in homeschooling or learning new skills from home. Using a timer or planner to keep yourself on track can prove useful in improving your time management skills. Be sure to also work in time for breaks and outdoor time to maintain a balanced schedule.

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Familiarize yourself with the material your child is learning

In the classroom, your child’s go-to resource is their teacher. If that is no longer an option, it is important to become a resource for your child. By familiarizing yourself with the content your child is learning, you can act as their support system and ensure that they still have that classroom environment at home. It is important, however, to think of yourself as an aide to your child’s learning rather than getting in the way of their learning. Social Media (like Facebook parent/homeschooling groups and Pinterest) can be a great place to find new material, tips, or advice when it comes to taking over as teacher.

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Include time for fun & passion projects

If you’re focusing on your kid’s education, now is also a great time to focus on hobbies or interests you and your child may not have previously had time to focus on. Spending more time learning new recipes, taking music lessons, or focusing on your child’s artistic interests can be a great way to break up the monotony of a typical lesson while continuing the learning process.

The same goes for yourself. If you’re learning or teaching virtually, be sure to step away from the virtual classroom and make time to explore side hobbies or passion projects. Doing so will help to foster your own creativity and break up your day.

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