Safe & Cost-Effective Staycation Ideas


With Summer in full swing and many travel plans thwarted, now is a great time to get creative with your Summer vacation plans, while still taking proper precautions to make sure your family and friends are staying safe! To help, we came up with fun and cost-effective ideas for the perfect staycation.

Perfect for Kids

If your kids were looking forward to attending summer camp or other planned activities, here are some ways to keep them busy and entertained from home!

  • A Treasure Hunt: Print out a map template or draw one. Outline areas of the house and have a secret hiding spot that the kids can hunt for treasure. If your kids need an extra challenge, come up with a few clues that lead them to the treasures. You can set activities or tasks they need to complete to get the next clue!

  • A Night at the Museum: While some monuments, zoos, and museums are temporarily closed to the public, lots of them are starting online experiences. Tune in to the live streams or virtual tours that are offered. It creates a fun and immersive experience right from home.

  • Backyard Olympics: Although the 2020 summer Olympics have been postponed, try bringing the special tradition to your home. Split up your family into teams and create a course in your backyard or kitchen. Choose 3-5 activities that you have to compete in and have a little award ceremony at the end.

  • Backyard Camping: Pitch a tent in your own backyard! If you don’t have a tent, you can easily create a makeshift fort by tying a rope or clothesline between two trees and hanging a large tarp, blanket, or sheet over top. Set the scene with flashlights, lanterns, and a cooler of your favorite camping snacks. Stay entertained with games, campfire stories, and stargazing.

Great for Neighbors or Roommates

  • Food Network Style Contest: If you and your roommates or partner are looking for some fun activities, try introducing a friendly competition that’s not only fun but also takes care of dinner. Pick one special ingredient and set a timer to see who can make the best dish within the time frame and it must include that special ingredient. Or try making teams that compete to make the same dish and have 1-3 judge(s). Loser has to do the dishes!

  • Wine Tasting: If you’re of age and missing some experiences such as a wine tasting or visiting a vineyard try doing it at home with your roommates or neighbors. Pick out a few (maybe try some new ones) wines and you can look up the history behind each one or just enjoy them! You can also swap wine out for your favorite beverage of choice. It can be anything from beer, sodas, or flavored seltzers!

City & Apartment-Friendly

With limited space, it’s time to get creative about making the most of your apartment and staycation (while also being mindful of your neighbors).

  • Themed dinner parties: Create invitations for your dinner party, whether it’s just for you, your roommates, or the entire family! If you’re out of ideas for themes try picking a place that you’ve always wanted to travel to or get inspired by your recent Netflix series binge or book club.

  • Spa Day or Retreat: If you’re in need of some self-care, take a half-day. Do a face mask, take a longer walk than usual, put on some relaxing music, or try Yoga or other stretching videos on YouTube (we have you covered with some tips here). Take time to clean your space, maybe even rearrange a few pieces of furniture. Set a schedule to keep to, even if it’s time to just relax!

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